get rid of blackheads on face

How to Get Rid of Blackheads: 5 effective tricks

Best ways to get rid of  blackheads on face

To get rid of blackheads on face first we have to understand why we get blackheads.

Why we get Blackheads on face?

Blackhead develops when the pores clogged with excess sebum, dirt or dead skin.
They are small bumps over the skin, black or yellow in color.
They mostly come on face, nose, and chest rarely on back neck arms and shoulders.

Clean your face with your regular cleanser, so that any natural remedy you try will work over your skin.

Get your blackheads on face cleared with Lemon.

Lemon has AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid) which helps to clear dead skin and opens the pores.
Vitamin C in lemon will prevent from acne scars
Squeeze a half lemon and dip a cotton on it and gently paste over your blackheads and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes then wash it with cool water.
Do this thrice a week.

Turmeric to remove blackheads on face

Turmeric has very high antioxidant properties which help to get rid of blackheads.
Take a spoon of turmeric powder and mix it with water or coconut oil and make it a paste and apply over blackheads and allow it to dry and rinse with mild hot water.

Apple cider vinegar is another best remedy to get rid of blackheads

Apple cider vinegar has the power to remove blackhead as well as power to protect the skin in future from blackheads. Apply it over blackheads daily basis this will reduce blackhead as well as acne.

Honey is another best home remedy to get rid of blackheads

Honey act as antibacterial and antibiotic. It kills germs over the skin which clogs the pores

Get rid of blackheads on face using Cinnamon

It acts as an antibacterial agent
Use cinnamon powder with honey and apply over blackheads and allow it to dry then rinse it after 1 or 2 hours.

Baking soda is commonly used home remedy for blackheads

Baking soda acts ass an antiseptic and also reduces oil forming over the skin which helps to get rid of blackheads.

Mix baking soda with water and make a paste out of it and apply over acne or blackhead affected area and rinse it after 10 to 15 minutes. Do this once or twice a week.

How can I get rid of blackheads on my nose?

Nose is where most of the oil comes out of face. To get rid of blackheads on nose, Wash your face with steam this opens pores clogged by dirt.

Then apply baking soda paste made with water and rub gently and allow it for 5 to 10 minutes.
Rinse it with normal water, this will help to remove blackheads over the nose and make your skin feel fresh and clean.
Also you can try all the natural remedy which We have given on the top to get rid of blackheads over the nose.

Is it good to squeeze out blackheads?

Squeezing blackhead may be a easy way to remove blackheads but it’s risky.
It’s like you are making way to new one.

When you squeeze blackhead the bacteria inside the pores wall will come out and spread to adjacent pores and risk of getting more pores clogged is high.

It leads to more acne on face.

Try to avoid squeezing it out and try natural remedy, which you can do it from your home to get rid of blackheads naturally.

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