Importance of breast feeding

Why breast feeding is important?

Breast Feeding

The best and most appropriate food for the new born baby is mother’s milk.

Why breast feeding is important?

Nutrition: Breast milk supplies all the nutrients necessary for the baby during the early days. Breast milk supplies the correct amount of nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, Vitamins, Calcium, minerals and electrolytes in the correct proportion to the baby.

Easy to digest: Breast milk is the best food that is easily digested by the baby.

Prevent infections: Breast milk is sterile (infection free) and the chance of infection is minimal and it protects the baby from infection by the antibodies of the mother present in the milk.

Milk at correct temperature: Baby receives milk at the correct temperature.

Mental growth: Breast milk fed children have higher IQ than bottle fed children. Breast milk fed children feels more confident and secure.

Prevent Obesity: In breast milk fed children, the incidence of getting obesity are less.

Prevent sudden infant death syndrome: Among children on breast feeding the sudden infant death syndrome (cot death) is less.

Prevent infantile diarrhoea: Breast feeding prevents infant diarrhoea (inflammatory bowel disease), Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Breast milk also prevents constipation.

Prevent diabetes: Diabetes is less in breast fed children than bottle fed children.

Prevent Osteoporosis: In breast milk fed children the incidence of osteoporosis is less.

Advantages of breast feeding for the mothers

satisfy the maternal instinct.

Promote involution of uterus.

Sucking by the child at breast helps to shrink the uterus back to the pre pregnancy state and the contraction of the uterus reduce bleeding after delivery.

Economical:  Breast milk comes free of cost, not necessary to boil or add sugar.

Not necessary to prepare or sterilize the bottle for each feed.

Prevent weight gain after delivery.

Prevent breast cancer, endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer.

Breast feeding reduces stress and helps to prevent postpartum depression.

Postpone the next pregnancy by suppressing ovulation (lactation amenorrhea).

Advantages for mother and baby

Produces a strong bond between the mother and infant. This bond may continue throughout their life.

What is colostrum?

The milk produced first (first few days) is called colostrum and it is full of nutrients and immunoglobulin’s which helps the baby to survive, develop and grow properly. Baby’s  immunity is strengthened by colostrum.

When to start breast feeding?

It is better to start breast feeding soon after delivery (within 1 hour).

For how long to continue breast feeding?

Breast feeding is to be continued for at least six months. It can be continued even after 1 year. Breast feeding should be weaned gradually (replacement of breast milk with other foods).

How often the baby should be fed?

New borne babies should be fed every 2 to 3 hours as the amount of milk ingested is less. Gradually the number of feeds can be reduced and fed according to the need of the baby.

Breast feeding week

August 1st week (1 to 7) every year is considered as breast feeding week to increase the awareness and importance of breast feeding.

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How to Get Rid of Hiccups

How to get rid of Hiccups

Hiccup (Hiccough)

What is hiccup?

Hiccup is the sound produced during the sudden involuntary contraction (spasm) of the respiratory muscles (The diaphragm and the intercostals muscles) and closure of the glottis.

The contraction of the respiratory muscles makes the person take a quick gulp of air. The sudden rush of air is cut off by the closure of glottis producing the characteristic sound of hiccup.

What are the other names for hiccup?

Hiccup can be otherwise called as hiccough or singultus or diaphragmatic spasm.

Who will get hiccup?

Anybody can get hiccup. Occasional hiccup is normal and self limiting.

What are the types of hiccup?

Acute Hiccup – lasts up to 48 hours.

Persistent Hiccup – lasts for more than 48 hours (2 days).

Intractable Hiccup – lasts for more than 2 months.

What are the causes of hiccup?

Hiccups can be caused by the irritation of the nerve supply to the diaphragm (the vagus nerve or the phrenic nerve).

The following can irritate the diaphragm and produce hiccups.

Drinking carbonated beverages, drinking excess alcohol, over eating, blotted belly, hot spicy food, and swallowing air while drinking or eating etc can induce hiccups.

Intractable hiccup may be due to the conditions shown below:

Metabolic causes: Kidney problems, uncontrolled diabetes and uremia.

Cardiac causes: Heart Attack, aortic aneurism,

Thoracic causes:  substernal thyroid gland, mediastinal lymph nodes, pleural infections and infection of lungs like pneumonia.

Abdominal causes: Enlarged liver, liver abscess, peritoneal infection, hiatus hernia and gastro oesophagial reflux disease and acute gastritis.

Neurological causes: Brain Tumor, Meningitis, encephalitis and damage to nerves.

Toxemia: High Fever, septicemia etc,

Psychological causes: Mental Stress, Anxiety, Neurosis and Hysteria can produce Hiccups.

When to consult a physician for hiccup?

When hiccups becomes persistent and intractable physician has to be consulted to find out the cause of hiccups and treat it.

What are the investigations to be done?

No tests are necessary for occasional acute hiccups.

For persistent or intractable hiccups all the routine investigations are to be done.

ECG (Electrocardiogram) and Echocardiogram to rule out heart attack and other heart problems.

Ultrasound scans of abdomen and chest to rule out chest and abdominal problems.

X-Ray chest can be taken.

Blood tests like kidney function tests ( blood urea and serum creatinine) and Liver function tests are done.

CT scan or MRI scan of brain are done to rule out cerebral problems.

What is the treatment for hiccups?

When the Hiccup is mild the following natural therapy can be tried:

Drinking ice cold water or gargling with ice cold water.

Biting or chewing lemon.

Closing the nostril and holding breath as long as possible.

Pulling out the tongue (Forcible traction of the tongue).

Breathing in and out into a paper bag.

Giving mild pressure to the eye balls.

Swallowing granulated sugar.

Inducing sneeze or irritating the throat.

Giving pressure to diaphragm by pulling up the knee to chest and holding it tight to the chest for some time.

Treatment for persistent and intractable hiccups

When the hiccup persists it better to consult physician and follow his advice.

Numerous medicines are available and the physicians prefer Chlorpromazine.

Diaphragmatic irritation can be treated with Beclofan, haloperidol and Sodium valproate.

For gastro oesophageal reflux and flatulence proton pump inhibitors,H2 receptor antagonists prokinetcis like metaclopramide, and semithicone can be used.

Nebulization with 0.9% normal saline can be tried.

If there is a treatable cause, treat it.

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get rid of blackheads on face

How to Get Rid of Blackheads: 5 effective tricks

Best ways to get rid of  blackheads on face

To get rid of blackheads on face first we have to understand why we get blackheads.

Why we get Blackheads on face?

Blackhead develops when the pores clogged with excess sebum, dirt or dead skin.
They are small bumps over the skin, black or yellow in color.
They mostly come on face, nose, and chest rarely on back neck arms and shoulders.

Clean your face with your regular cleanser, so that any natural remedy you try will work over your skin.

Get your blackheads on face cleared with Lemon.

Lemon has AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid) which helps to clear dead skin and opens the pores.
Vitamin C in lemon will prevent from acne scars
Squeeze a half lemon and dip a cotton on it and gently paste over your blackheads and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes then wash it with cool water.
Do this thrice a week.

Turmeric to remove blackheads on face

Turmeric has very high antioxidant properties which help to get rid of blackheads.
Take a spoon of turmeric powder and mix it with water or coconut oil and make it a paste and apply over blackheads and allow it to dry and rinse with mild hot water.

Apple cider vinegar is another best remedy to get rid of blackheads

Apple cider vinegar has the power to remove blackhead as well as power to protect the skin in future from blackheads. Apply it over blackheads daily basis this will reduce blackhead as well as acne.

Honey is another best home remedy to get rid of blackheads

Honey act as antibacterial and antibiotic. It kills germs over the skin which clogs the pores

Get rid of blackheads on face using Cinnamon

It acts as an antibacterial agent
Use cinnamon powder with honey and apply over blackheads and allow it to dry then rinse it after 1 or 2 hours.

Baking soda is commonly used home remedy for blackheads

Baking soda acts ass an antiseptic and also reduces oil forming over the skin which helps to get rid of blackheads.

Mix baking soda with water and make a paste out of it and apply over acne or blackhead affected area and rinse it after 10 to 15 minutes. Do this once or twice a week.

How can I get rid of blackheads on my nose?

Nose is where most of the oil comes out of face. To get rid of blackheads on nose, Wash your face with steam this opens pores clogged by dirt.

Then apply baking soda paste made with water and rub gently and allow it for 5 to 10 minutes.
Rinse it with normal water, this will help to remove blackheads over the nose and make your skin feel fresh and clean.
Also you can try all the natural remedy which We have given on the top to get rid of blackheads over the nose.

Is it good to squeeze out blackheads?

Squeezing blackhead may be a easy way to remove blackheads but it’s risky.
It’s like you are making way to new one.

When you squeeze blackhead the bacteria inside the pores wall will come out and spread to adjacent pores and risk of getting more pores clogged is high.

It leads to more acne on face.

Try to avoid squeezing it out and try natural remedy, which you can do it from your home to get rid of blackheads naturally.

See How Banana peel helps to get rid of pimples naturally

Natural treatment to get rid of stretch marks

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Prickly Heat

Prickly Heat: Treatments, Causes and symptoms

Prickly Heat

What is Prickly Heat?

Prickly Heat is a common problem faced by children and some adults living or working in hot and humid conditions. It is common in tropical region in summer. Prickly heat is otherwise called Heat rash or Miliaria Rubra.

What is the pathology (cause) of Prickly Heat?

Prickly heat is caused by the blockage of sweat ducts in the prickle layer of the skin. Because of the blockage, sweat cannot reach the surface of the skin to be evaporated, but collects in the epidermal layer of the skin and cause irritation and inflammation.

What triggers Prickly Heat?

Hot and humid conditions where there is excessive sweating cause prickly heat. Wearing tight fitting, Synthetic clothing which prevent evaporation of sweat also produce prickly heat. Obese or overweight people having skin folds develop prickly heat. In infants and children prickly heat is common because their sweat glands are not fully developed. Using lot of creams and makeup or drinking hot spicy soups, hot coffee or tea in summer can lead to prickly heat. Working or exercising in hot humid condition can also produce prickly heat.

What are the symptoms of Prickly Heat?

Prickly Heat appears as small red dots on the skin. Mostly they appear on face, neck, shoulder and front and back of chest. They also appear in parts of the body which come into close contact with clothing like waist and wrist.

Prickly Heat lesions give pricking sensation which is very irritating. This causes great discomfort. If the area is scratched, it can lead to infection.

What are the treatments for Prickly Heat?

Wash the area with cold water and pat dry the area frequently. Take cold bath often. Using mild soap with hexachlorophene may help.  Applying lanoline may help. If the itching or irritation is severe taking antihistamines may help.

Natural treatment for Prickly Heat

Prickly heat disappears naturally when the weather condition improves.

Change the living or working environment and stay in cool and well ventilated rooms. If possible stay in air conditioned rooms. Use loose cotton dress. Avoid synthetic cloths. Drink lot of fruit juices and water. Avoid aerated bottled drinks, hot spicy soups, alcohol, hot coffee or tea in hot humid conditions. Take frequent cold baths.

COLD (ICE) TREATMENT: Wash the prickly heat affected area with ice cold water often.

Take few ice cubes, wrap then in cloth and press it on the affected area. This gives instant relief from itching and pricking sensation. Mix honey, aloe vera gel and water, pour it in a ice tray, allow it to become ice cubes and press these ice cubes on the affected area for instant relief.

SANDAL WOOD POWDER: Mix sandal wood powder with rose water or water and apply over the heat rash affected area, wash it after 30 minutes and pat dry the area.

TURMERIC POWDER: Mix turmeric powder in water and apply over the prickly heat affected area and wash it off after 20 minutes. Sandal wood powder can also be added to this for better results. Turmeric acts as good antiseptic and anti inflammatory agent.

YOGHURT:  Apply yoghurt over the heat rash affected area and wash it off after 15 to 20 minutes. This gives a soothing and cooling effect.

MILK: Applying cold milk over the prickly heat affected area can also give good results. Milk act as good cooling and cleansing agent.

NEEM LEAVES: Neem leaf has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Applying ground neem leaves paste over the prickly heat affected area and washing if after 20 minutes gives good results.

CUCUMBER: Apply cucumber slices or cucumber juice over the heat rash affected area and wash it off after 15 to 20 minutes.

POTATO: Likewise potato slices or ground potato can also be applied.

BAKING SODA:  To 1 cup of water add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, soak a cotton cloth in it, apply it on the prickly heat affected area and wash it off after 15 minutes. Baking soda unclogs pores and acts as exfoliating agent.

PAPAYA: Apply papaya fruit slices over the prickly heat affected area and wash it off with cold water after 20 minutes.

OATES: Oates powder can be mixed with cold water or milk and, applied over the prickly heat affected area and washed after 20 minutes. Oates meal reduces itching and acts as good anti-inflammatory agent.

After washing the prickly heat affected area pat dry the area. Do not rub the area with towel.

If prickly heat is infected consult a dermatologist and start antibiotics.

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head ache remedy

ways to get rid of headache

ways to get rid of headache

Headache is the common symptoms experienced by more than 50% people worldwide.

Headache is one of the problems that give headache to the treating physician because of the multiple types and multiple causes.

What is a Cause of headache?

Headache is the ache(pain) arising from structures and tissues around the brain and skull like eyes, sinuses, ear, muscles, blood vessels, nerves and spinal cord. Brain itself cannot feel pain.

Headache can also be a symptom of some other serious condition or disease.

Headache is three times more common in women than men.

What are the types of headache?

There are many varieties of headache and lots of subtypes.

The most common types of headache are Tension Headache, Migraine and Cluster Headache.

Tension Headache

Tension headache is usually bilateral (both sided) and it is not pulsatile. It is a dull ache felt all over the head.  Tenderness may be felt around the scalp muscle and neck. There is no associated nausea or vomiting. Scalp muscle tenderness may be present. Tension headache is often triggered by mental stress.

Stress relief, antidepressants, analgesics and gentle massage may help to reduce the pain.


Migraine is a miserable form of headache normally affects one side of the head. Migraine is usually associated with nausea and vomiting. An aura (seeing flash of light, blind spots, stars or zig zac lines ) may precede the ache. Migraine can occur without aura also. Migraine headache may be throbbing and may be worsened by routine activities

Migraine is due to disturbance in the brains vascular tree. Dilatation of blood vessels produces pain due to stretching of the arterial wall. Migraine may be triggered by flashing light, anxiety, stress, exercise, menstruation, oral contraceptives, chocolate, artificial sweetener, mono sodium glutamate (agino moto) and alcoholic drinks.

Cluster Headache

Cluster headache is the most disabling type of headache. It is characterized by sudden onset of excruciating pain around or behind one eye. The eye may become bloodshot, watery and lacrimating and may have eye lid swelling.  Cluster headache usually starts at night and lasts for few minutes to hours. One headache will resolve and another will follow. It comes in cluster for few weeks followed by headache free period of months. Cluster headache is more common in men than women.

Other Types of headache

Sudden single attacks

Patients can have acute headache for short period in conditions like head injury, fevers, sinusitis, meningitis, encephalitis, bleeding in side skull like subarachnoid haemorrhage, sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure and over straining can also produce headache.

Increased intra cranial pressure, tumors of brain, decreased CSF pressure after lumbar puncture or spinal anesthesia can also produce headache.

Referred headache

Infections of eye, glaucoma, refraction errors and over strain to eyes may give headache.

Dental conditions, diseases of the nose and sinuses, diseases of ear and cervical spondylosis can also produce headache.

Headache due to condition in nerves

Conditions in cranial nerves can produce headache like Trigeminal neuralgia, Glossopharyngeal neuralgia and Temporomandibular neuralgia can produce headache.

Psychogenic headache

Conditions like anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and hysteria can produce headache. They are of pressing type, continuous and severe. The headache are not relieved by analgesics.

Vascular headache

Throbbing headache increases on movement of the head.

Hypnic headache

Usually affects elderly people at night and wake them up during sleep.

Hangover Headache

Drinking too much alcohol at night may produce throbbing headache next morning. Drinking lots of juices and eating sugary food to reduce the headache.

Rebound Headache

Taking too many medicines regularly for headache, becoming dependent on the medicines and suddenly stopping the drugs may produce rebound headache.

Caffeine Headache

Drinking lots of coffee daily and withdrawing  coffee suddenly cal alter the brain chemistry and trigger headache.

Ice cream Headache

Drinking Ice cold drinks or eating very cold ice cream can stimulate the nerve ends in soft palate and produce headache.

Hormonal Headache

Pregnancy, menstruation or taking birth control pills can alter the hormone levels and produce headache.

Investigations for Headaches

Detailed history of the Headache, the type of headache and associated symptoms will give a clear idea about the investigations to be done.

X-rays of skull, Para nasal sinuses and cervical spine will give evidence regarding the headache.

CT scan or MRI scan of brain may be necessary to rule out intracranial causes.

Ophthalmic, ENT (Ear, nose and throat), and dental examinations will rule out referred pain from these organs.

Psychiatric assessment is also necessary.

How do you get rid of headache?

It is better to consult your physician than taking over the counter medications.

Rest, gentile massage, breathing exercises, warm or cold compress and stress busters will relive headache.

Medications like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aceclofenac and Paracetamol can be given to get rid of headache.

In migraine Triptans and Ergot alkaloids will relieve pain.  Flunarizine, propranolol or amitriptyline can prevent migraine attack.

Treat the cause in referred headache.

Prevention to get rid of headache

Removing triggers, avoiding stress, positive attitude, yoga and meditation will prevent headache.

ways to get rid of Stretch Marks 

ways to Get Rid of Blackheads

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Gallstones - Types, Causes, Risks, Symptoms, Treatments

Gallstones – Types, Causes, Risks, Symptoms, Treatments


 What is gallstone?

Gallstones are small stone like structures develop abnormally from the sediments (deposits) of bile (digestive fluid) in the gallbladder.

Gallstones are otherwise called as Cholelithiasis.

Gallbladder is a small pouch (bag) like organ found below the liver where bile is stored.

Causes of gallstones

When more bile is secreted by the liver or when the emptying of bile from the gallbladder is poor, the bile gets concentrated and become gallstone.

The common causes may be genetic, obesity (sudden increase or drastic loss of weight), using birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, cholesterol medications, diabetes, pregency and eating lots of fried and processed foods. Hemolytic anemia and infection can also cause gallstones.

Gallstones are usually found in Fat, Fair, Fertile, Female of Forty with Family history of gallstones.(rule of F)

Types of gallstones

Cholesterol Stones

They are white, yellow or green in color and few in number. They may form up to 3 cm in size.

They are common and 80% of its contents are cholesterol.

Bilirubin Stones

Bilirubin Stones are darker and smaller in size and numerous in numbers. They are made up of mainly bile pigments and calcium.

Mixed Stones

They are made up of cholesterol, bile pigments and calcium.

Symptoms and Signs of gallstones

Normally Gallstones are painless. But pain starts when the stone enters the bile ducts and produce obstruction of bile flow.

Pain is usually felt in the upper portion of abdomen on the right side.( Right hypochondriac region). Pain may be felt just below the breastbone (Epigastria). Pain may also be referred to the right shoulder. Pain may be associated with nausea and vomiting. Stones in common bile duct can produce obstructive jaundice.

Murphy’s sign: When deep palpation is done just below liver (right upper abdomen below rib cage) and the patient in deep inspiration, the patient may feel severe tenderness. Pain is produced when the inflamed gallbladder come in contact with the hand.

Tests (investigations) done

As most of the gallstones are symptomless, they are diagnosed while doing investigations for other diseases.

X-ray chest

some gallstones are not visible on X-rays. Only radio-opaque stones are seen through x-rays.

Ultrasonogram (USG)

This is cheaper and noninvasive and investigation of choice for gallstones.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

MRI gives clear detailed images of the gallbladder, bile ducts and liver. It gives images of gallstones and dilatation of bile ducts.

MRCP (Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography)

Can visualize the biliary tree and gallstones.

ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatoscopy)

Here a flexible (Fibro optic ) endoscope is passed through the mouth, oesophagus and stomach to reach the duodenum. A dye is injected into the bile duct and scanning done and images are taken to visualize gallstones and biliary tree. Stones can be removed through ERCP.

PTC (Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography)

Through a small incision in the skin of right upper abdomen and contrast material is passed into the biliary tree and images taken. Gallstones can be removed using PTC.

Blood Investigations

Blood tests like Liver function tests(LFT) and Pancreatic Amylase are done to rule out liver and pancreatic damage. Routine Blood tests are done to rule out other associated diseases.

Treatment for Gallstones

Most gallstones are painless, but when the pain is severe treatment is necessary.

Pain Killers: When the pain is severe, painkillers like antispasmodics, NSAIDS    ( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or opiates can be given.

Antibiotics are given to prevent cholecystitis.

Cholecystectomy (surgical removal of gallstones and gallbladder) is the treatment of choice. This can be done through open surgery or through Laparoscope.

ERCP or PTC: Gallstones can also be removed through ERCP or PTC.

Lithotripsy: Here ultrasound shock waves are used to break gallstones into small fragments, which can be drained through bile duct into small intestine.

Medical Treatment: When the patient has severe comorbid diseases, medical treatment to dissolve gallstones were given.

Ursodeoxycholic acid can be given for a long period to dissolve cholesterol gallstones.

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) is a slowly progressing, long time disease of the lungs which produce obstruction of the airway which is not fully reversible.(complete recovery is not possible with or without treatment.)

COPD is a preventable disease

COPD is the third leading cause of death (In 1990 it was the sixth leading cause death) in the world.

Causes of COPD

COPD is mainly caused by longtime tobacco smoking (80%). Both active and passive (second-hand smoke) can produce COPD.

Long time exposure to other smoke, dust, chemicals and other types of pollution can also produce COPD.

In women, cooking with biogas or firewood in the poorly ventilated kitchen can also produce COPD.

Long drawn (Chronic) poorly treated diseases like Asthma and tuberculosis can also become COPD.

Congenital (hereditary) absence or deficiency of Alpha1antytripsin can also produce COPD.

Types of COPD

In COPD there are 2 types.

Chronic Bronchitis

When the patient suffers from cough for more than three months in a year, for two or more continuous years, the patient is said to be suffering from Chronic Bronchitis.

Pathology of Chronic Bronchitis

In Chronic bronchitis, due to long-time exposure to smoke the bronchial wall becomes thick (bronchial wall hypertrophy) and the inflammation and increased mucus secretion narrow the airway producing wheezing. As there is not much bronchial constriction, improvement after bronchodilators in minimal or nil (not fully reversible) unlike Asthma where bronchial constriction is relived after medication.


Destruction of elastic property of the alveoli leading to shortness of breath.

Pathology of Emphysema

In a normal person, the amount of Alpha1 antitrypsin and the protease enzyme Elastase are equal. Alpha 1 antitrypsin will neutralize the action of elastase.  When the person smokes, the neutrophils produce more Elastase, and the extra elastase produced will destroy the elastic property of the alveoli. This leads to overinflation of the alveoli with each inspiration. Over-inflation of alveoli leads to the destruction of alveolar membrane and few alveoli may burst together to become a bulla. Air becomes trapped in the alveoli and perfusion and ventilation are affected.

Symptoms of COPD

Cough for more than three months,

Slowly progressing difficulty in breathing (dyspnoea),

Mucus production,

Wheezing, Tightness in the chest.

Signs of COPD

Patient may have shortness of breath, Respiratory rate increased,

May have barrel chest (In Emphysema),

Lip & tongue may become blue (cyanosis)

Breath sounds may be diminished (emphysema) or may have wheeze (chronic bronchitis)

Tests to be done in COPD

Spirometry (pulmonary function test) is done to differentiate between Asthma and COPD.

Spirometry is done, then inhaled bronchodilators are given to the patient and spirometry is repeated again to note the reversibility. If FEV1 is less than 80% of normal, there is obstruction and improvement after broncho-dilator is less than 12% it is COPD.

X-ray chest- may show hyperinflated lungs with flat diaphragms and narrow heart.

ECG is taken to rule out Cor- Pulmonale (Heart involvement due to long-standing respiratory disease.)

ABG (Arterial Blood Gas Analysis) done to find the blood gas levels.

Stages in COPD

According to the PFT (pulmonary function test) reading, the severity of COPD is divided into 4 stages.

Mild: if the FEV 1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) is above 80 % of the predicted value and the FEV1/FVC (Forced vital capacity) is less than 0.7  and the reversibility is less than 12% it is termed as mild COPD.

Moderate:  FEV 1 – between  80 %  and 50 %.

Severe:  FEV 1 – less than 50 %.

Acute Exacerbation of COPD

When there is a sudden flare-up of symptoms due to infection or exposure to irritants patient may have severe shortness of breath. Hospitalization may be necessary with oxygen therapy and antibiotics.

Treatment of COPD

The main aim of the treatment is to relieve shortness of breath and improve the respiratory functions.

This will improve quality of life of the COPD patient and make him live independently in this society.

The Treatment regimen is like that of Asthma. Bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs (Steroids) are given and they are not very effective as COPD is not fully reversible.

Bronchodilators like salbutamol, levosalbutamol, salmeterol and formoterol reduce the bronchospasm.

Anticholinergics like tiotropium, ipratropium, albuterol and aclidinium dilate the bronchus and reduce the secretions.

Steroids like fluticasone, budesonide, and beclometasone deduce swelling of the bronchial wall and mucous membrane.

Inhaled medicines (Inhalation therapy) are best for COPD and Asthma than oral medicines or injections.

Inhalers having beta-agonists and anticholinergics (2 drugs) or 3 drugs combination along with steroids are used.

In Acute Exacerbation, Oxygen therapy and antibiotics along with inhalation therapy are given.

Mucolytics and Expectorants are given to bring out excess mucus from the airway.

Long-term oxygen Therapy: For severe COPD patients Long time oxygen therapy is given using an oxygen concentrator.

Roflumilast: a phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor is given to reduce inflammation and to improve the FEV1.

Vaccines: Influenza vaccination and pneumococcal vaccine are given to elderly patients to prevent exacerbations.

Alpha 1 Antitrypsin augmentation (replacement) therapy is given in patients with congenital Alpha 1 Antitrypsin deficiency.

Smoking Cessation: Smoking cessation will stop the progression of the disease. This involves psychological counseling, health education, nicotine replacement therapy (like nicotine patches and nicotine chewing gum).

Medicines like varenicline, Bupropion and nortriptyline are given to stop smoking.

Antidepressants to relieve mental depression associated with COPD.

Surgical Treatment: In severe conditions, surgical treatment like Lung volume reduction surgery, Bullectomy or Lung transplantation may be necessary.

Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation of COPD patients involves treatment by pulmonologist, physician, psychologist, respiratory therapist and occupational therapists. The Rehabilitation program helps the patient live independently in the society.

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How to prevent and treat Dengue fever

prevent dengue

How to prevent and treat Dengue fever

Dengue fever is a type of viral fever caused by the RNA virus called dengue virus. Dengue fever spreads from one person to another through mosquito bite.

There is no direct spread from person to person. Infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes (Asian tiger mosquitoes) spread the disease. Aedes mosquitoes breed in stagnant, clean and fresh water found around our houses.

Aedes mosquitoes usually bite the lower part of our body like legs and foot. They feed mostly on daytime.

How to identify Aedes mosquitoes?

Aedes mosquitoes are small, dark (mostly Black) mosquitoes with white stripes on their bodies and legs. So they are called as Asian tiger mosquitos.

Dengue fever mostly occurs in tropical and subtropical regions, like Asia, Africa, South America and Europe. Dengue fever affects around 2 to 3 billion people around the world.

There are 4 strains of dengue virus.(Dengue virus Strain 1,2,3 and4). If the person is affected by one strain he will have lifelong immunity for that strain and other strains can affect him.

Signs and symptoms of dengue fever

High Fever (Around 104 degree F), severe frontal headache (behind the eyeballs), severe body and joint pain (Break bone fever), nausea, vomiting, fatigue and maculopapular rashes around the face, neck, back and chest are the common symptoms of dengue fever.

In Dengue hemorrhagic fever, bleeding under the skin, conjunctiva, nose or gums can be seen.

In Dengue shock syndrome the blood pressure may drop to dangerously low level. Dengue fever affects many but only people with low immunity (like people with diabetes, AIDs, people on long-term steroids), children and elderly people will develop complications.

Incubation period: The symptoms of dengue fever appear after a period of 3 to 15 days after the mosquito bite.


When Aedes mosquito infected with dengue virus bites a person, the virus enters the bloodstream and enters the white blood cells, grow and reproduce inside the cells. The infected cells produce chemicals which increases the body temperature and severe body pain. The chemicals increase the permeability of blood vessels and fluid leaks into the body cavities producing low blood pressure (Dengue Shock Syndrome). Infection of bone marrow reduces platelet count and produces bleeding (Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever).

Tests for Dengue Fever

Complete blood count: White cell count may be reduced.

Platelet count: May be reduced. ( Normal: 1.5 to 4.5 L)

If platelet count falls below 50,000 there will be bleeding tendencies and if it falls below 20,000 platelet transfusion is necessary.

Rapid NS1 test ( Non Structural protein 1 test): Dengue antigen test-done on first 5 days for rapid detection.

IgM and IgG: (dengue virus antibodies)-Done after 5 days of fever.

ELISA: (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is the commonly used test to detect dengue antibodies.

Haemagglutination inhibition test (HI): This test helps to differentiate between primary and secondary infection.

Direct dengue viral detection and culture can be done.

Liver function test and renal function test can be done to rule out liver and kidney involvement.

X-ray chest and ultrasound abdomen to see fluid collection (Pleural Effusion and Ascites). Blood sugar estimation to be done to rule out diabetes.

Treatment For dengue fever

No antiviral drugs available to treat dengue virus. Antibiotics are not effective on dengue virus.

Treatment is supportive care and symptomatic treatment.

Temperature can be brought done by Antipyretics (paracetamol) and tepid sponging.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen to be avoided to prevent bleeding.

Hydrate the body by drinking lots of fluids like water, lemon juice or orange juice. Oral electrolytes can be given.

Treatment for Dengue shock syndrome: Maintain blood pressure by intravenous fluids or plasma or volume expanders.

Treatment for Dengue hemorrhagic fever: If platelet count is very low Platelets can be replaced or blood transfusion can be given.

To increase platelet count drink papaya leaf juice or papaya juice.

Prevention of dengue fever

As there is no antiviral drug for dengue virus, prevention is the only way of controlling the disease.

Vaccination for dengue fever

Now a vaccine called Dengvaxia, approved by World Health Organization is available since 2016 and the vaccine is in use in many countries.

Preventive measures

Prevent mosquito breeding by removing all Aedes mosquitos breeding places like empty discarded tyres, cups, broken pots, broken bottles, coconuts shells etc… from our surroundings. So there won’t be any water collection for mosquitos to breed. Cover all water storing places like water tank, sumps, buckets and vessels. Change the water in all flower washes often.

Antilarval measures: Spray oil or chemicals over open water sources to kill larva or can grow fish which feed on larva.

Prevent mosquito entering houses by fixing mosquitos screens on windows and using mosquito repellents.

Prevent mosquito bite by using long sleeved dresses or sleeping inside the mosquito net.

Mosquito repellent, Mosquito coils and mosquito repellent vaporizers can be used to prevent mosquito bites.

Natural repellents are better as they are less harmful.

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Best ways to get rid of Stretch Marks

How to get rid of Stretch Marks

Best ways to get rid of Stretch Marks 

What are Stretch marks?

Stretch marks are long streaks seen on the skin after pregnancy, sudden weight gain or sudden weight loss. They are otherwise called striae (stria).

They are commonly seen over the abdomen (belly), hips, shoulders, back, breast, buttocks and thigh.

They are fine scar under the outer layer of the skin.

What causes stretch marks?

Whenever there is a sudden overstretching of the skin due to causes like pregnancy, abdominal swellings like ascites and sudden weight gain, the middle layer of the skin is damaged. This leads to tearing of the fibers of dermis and epidermis which in turn produce scarring. The scars are called stretch marks. Stretch marks are also seen in endocrine disorders (Cushing syndrome) and in patients who use steroids often.

Stretch mark due to pregnancy is called Striae gravidarum.

What are the symptoms?

In early stages stretch marks are seen as red or pink streaks and there may be itching or burning sensation. Slowly the stretch marks fade and seen as thin silvery lines. They create cosmetical problems (psychological and emotional distress).

Treatment to get rid of stretch marks

There are thousands of products available in the market to remove stretch marks. However, these products fail to produce desired effects on the stretch marks. They may not fully remove the stretch marks, but they may help to fade away the stretch marks more quickly. They are more effective when applied on early stages.

Surgical treatment

Laser stretch mark removal

High energy laser lights are used to remove thin layer of skin around the stretch marks so that a new layer of skin is formed.

Mechanical Microdermabrasion or Dermabrasion

Scraping (wounding) the topmost layer of the skin over the stretch marks promotes the growth of new and healthy skin.


This is otherwise called as tummy tuck. Here the abdominal muscles are tightened and excess skin along with the stretch marks are removed

Medical treatment

Trofolastin cream, alpha-tocopherol, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and menthol cream can be used.

Aluminium oxide crystals, glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy acid can be used as a chemical peel to peel off the top layer of the skin.

Natural treatment to get rid of stretch marks

Lemon Juice: fresh lemon juice can be applied over the stretch marks, rub it with upward circular motion and wash it after 15 minutes this will help to get rid of stretch marks.

Lemon juice with cucumber juice:  Equal amount of lemon juice and cucumber juice are mixed together and can be applied and washed after 15 minutes.

Castor oil: Gently massage castor oil over the stretch marks, give hot water fomentation and wash it after 30 minutes.

Potato: Cut potato and rub the cut ends over the stretch marks, allow it to dry for 30 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Egg white: Massage egg white over the stretch marks and wash it off after 30 minutes with cool water.

Sugar or salt Scrub: Sugar or salt can be added to honey, coconut oil or olive oil and rubbed with upward circular motion.

This removes the topmost layer of the skin so that new skin is formed.

Honey, olive oil and sugar scrub can be used.

Aloe vera gel and vitamin E: Add 50 ml of aloe vera gel and 50 ml of olive oil and cut and squeeze 5 vitamin E capsules into it and apply it over the stretch marks.

Papaya and sugar can be used as a scrub.

Honey olive oil and oats can also be used as a scrub.

Light treatment: Infrared light or ultraviolet light can be used to fade the stretch marks.

Well balanced Diet

Eat well-balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and Keep the skin well hydrated by drinking lots of fluids.

These steps can help to get rid of stretch marks naturally.

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Gestational Hypertension

Gestational Hypertension

Gestational Hypertension (pregnancy induced hypertension) 

Gestational hypertension (pregnancy induced hypertension), preeclampsia and eclampsia are commonly encountered medical complications in pregnant women, after 20 weeks of pregnancy. If the woman is already suffering from hypertension it is called chronic hypertension in pregnancy.

These conditions produce high morbidity and mortality in the fetus (baby) and mother.

What is Gestational Hypertension (PIH)?

When a pregnant woman develops high blood pressure (above 140/90 mm of Hg) after 20 weeks of gestation (pregnancy) without both protein in urine and edema (swelling of the face, legs and hands), she is said to be suffering from Gestational hypertension.



What is preeclampsia?

When a pregnant woman, after 20 weeks of pregnancy develops the triad of signs (3 main signs) namely Hypertension, protein in the urine (proteinuria)  and edema, she is said to be suffering from preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia can be mild (when blood pressure is from 140/90 up to 159/119) or severe (when blood pressure is above 160/110 mm of Hg).

What is Eclampsia?

Eclampsia is a complication of severe preeclampsia where the pregnant woman develops convulsions (seizures or through fits).

25% of patients develop convulsions before delivery.

50% may develop during delivery.

25% may have seizures after delivery.

Preeclampsia and eclampsia are together called as Toxemia of pregnancy.

What is HELLP syndrome?

Preeclampsia with haemolysis (destruction of blood), Elevated Liver enzymes and low platelets counts is called HELLP syndrome. It is a complication of preeclampsia.

What are the causes of Gestational hypertension/preeclampsia/eclampsia?

  • First-time pregnancy (nulliparous woman or prime). Can occur in second pregnancy also.
  • Age: Getting pregnant before 18 years or after 35 years.
  • Multiple gestations like twins and triplets.
  • Abnormal placenta.
  • Previous history of Preeclampsia. Having family history of preeclampsia.
  • Heredity.
  • Having other diseases like chronic hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and high cholesterol levels.

How does the disease develop? (pathophysiology)

When fetal trophoblasts do not invade deep enough into the mothers utrine wall, spiral arteries may not dilate fully. This increases the resistance to blood flow to the placenta. This leads to fetal hypoxia (not enough oxygen and nutrients to the fetus). This leads to the release of antiangiogenic factors and inflammatory mediators. This induces generalized endothelial damage and hypertension.



Signs and symptoms of Gestational Hypertension

Gestational hypertension may not show any symptoms. Patients may have a mild headache.

Blood pressure may be above 140/90 mm of Hg. Urine protein will be absent. Edema may be there as it is common in pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms of preeclampsia:

In preeclampsia patients may have a severe headache, blurred vision, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, pain abdomen and giddiness. Edema of nondependent area like face, hands and legs seen.

In severe preeclampsia, blood pressure may be very high (above 160/110 mm of Hg). Along with the above symptoms patients may have reduced urine output, breathlessness (shortness of breath) due to fluid collection in lung tissue, sudden weight gain and liver disorder.

Signs and symptoms of eclampsia

It is a complication of preeclampsia.

Along with the symptoms of preeclampsia, the pregnant woman may have seizures (convulsions). They may be disoriented and at times become unconscious. Sometimes it may be fatal for the baby and mother.

What are the investigations to be done

Tests for Gestational hypertension

Regular Blood pressure monitoring: Blood pressure above 140/90mm of Hg

Routine blood investigations like blood sugar and cholesterol to rule out other diseases.

Urine analysis for protein:  No protein in the urine.

Blood liver and kidney functions: may be normal.

Investigations (tests) for preeclampsia and eclampsia

More frequent blood pressure monitoring.

Blood tests as given above and 24 hours urine protein estimation: more than 300 mg / 24 hours or more than 1+ in a single urine sample.

Frequent blood count and Platelet count to find out thrombocytopenia.

Ultra sound scanning of the uterus to assess’ fetal growth and heart rate.

Ultrasound thorax to find out lung congestion (pulmonary edema) and

Utrine artery Doppler can be done.


Delivery of the baby is the only treatment.

Treatment of gestational hypertension (pregnancy induced hypertension)

Salt restricted diet and rest. Mild hypertension is good for the baby. Sudden reduction of blood pressure to be avoided. For severe hypertension anti- hypertension drugs can be given.

Treatment for preeclampsia

Salt restriction and bed rest in lateral position (lying on sides) to avoid the weight of the baby on main blood vessels.

If the baby is mature, plan for delivery.

If blood pressure is very high anti hypertension drugs can be started.

Nifedipine or methyldopa can be given orally. Labetalol can be given intravenously or Hydralazine IV or IM can be given.

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers and atenolol are contra indicated.

Magnesium sulfate infusion to be started to prevent seizures.

Treatment of Eclampsia

Magnesium sulfate 4-gram loading can be given intravenously (IV) followed by infusion of 1-3 grams/hour to control seizures or injection diazepam can be given slowly intravenously.

Induce delivery or go for cesarean delivery.

The blood pressure and signs and symptoms of these diseases will disappear within 4 to 6 weeks after the delivery of the fetus.

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How to Stop Hair Fall Naturally

No more Hair loss

How to Stop Hair loss Naturally

Hair is an important part of the body that indicates a person’s gender, health, age, race, religion and social status. It plays an important role in their personal identity and is a symbol of youth and vitality. Hair loss is one of the biggest cause of concern among youngsters. So people spend a lot to prevent hair loss and improve hair growth.

Normal persons may have around 1,25,000 to 1,50,000 strands of hair on their scalp. The normal life span of a strand of hair is about 3 years after which it sheds naturally. Normally a person sheds around 80 to 100 hairs per day. When hair shedding is more it may lead to thinning of hair and baldness (Alopecia).

Types of Hair fall (Alopecia)

Androgenic hair fall

hair loss type in men

Mail pattern hair loss which occurs in male after the age of 35 to 40.

It is due to the over action of male hormone.


hair fall in female

Female pattern hair loss occurs after 40 to 50 years of age. the pattern will vary from male pattern hair loss as shown in figure.

Alopecia Areata

In alopecia areata the hair fall is in small patches, it may be due to auto immune disease.

Alopecia totalis

In alopecia totalis hair from the entire scalps,  eye brows, eye lashes and rest of the body may be lost.

Telogen Efluvium

Telogen efluvium is due to dietary deficiency like vitamins and minerals. In telogen efluvium there is generalized thinning of hair.

Traction hair fall

This type of hair fall is due to hair styles that pulls the hair root from the scalps.

Causes of Hair fall (Alopecia)

There are many causes of Hair loss. They are advancing age, genetic factors, conditions where there is hormonal imbalance like pregnancy, people on birth control pills, and lactating mothers.

Mental and physical stress, sudden severe weight gain or weight loss can also produce hair loss.

Side effects of drugs like antibiotics, steroids, chemotherapy drugs for cancer and radiotherapy can increase hair loss.

Diseases like hyper thyroid and hypo thyroid, auto immune disease and other severe general infections can also induce hair loss.

Infections of scalp, lice infestation, dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis of scalp and allergic conditions can produce loss of hair.

Nutritional deficiencies like protein deficiency, deficiencies of iron, calcium, vitamins (mainly vitamins A, Biotin and pantothenic acid) and deficiency of minerals like Zinc can induce loss of hair. Over dose of vitamin A can also cause hair loss.

Other causes like vigorous massaging or vigorous combing of wet hair, using very hot hair dryers and hair straightening rods and tying hair very tightly can also cause hair loss.

Frequent hot water bath can cause hair loss. Using hair tonics, shampoos, conditioners, hair dyes and hair oils with lots of chemicals can cause hair loss.

How to Stop Hair loss Naturally

Do’s to stop hair loss and promote hair growth

Correct nutritional deficiencies. Take high protein diet like eggs, fish, meat and nuts to correct protein deficiency.

Take milk and yogurt (contain Biotin)

Treat and prevent iron deficiency by eating lots of green leafy vegetables, dates, dry fruits and liver.

Eat lots of multi colored fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Add almonds, walnuts and ground nuts which are rich in protein, zinc, vitamins and minerals.

Drink plenty of water. Drink amla (Indian goose berry) juice and green tea.

Take bath with luke warm water. Give a gentle massage to the scalp.

Dry your hair gently. Allow it to dry naturally.

Use clean combs and brush.

Trim the split ends regularly.

Reduce stress and exercise regularly.

Treat the cause of hair loss and associated diseases.

Use natural remedies to stop hair fall.

Don’ts to stop hair loss and increase hair growth

Do not tie hair too tightly. Avoid shampoos, conditioners, hair oils and hair dye with lots of chemicals.

Do not use hair dryers, hair straightening rods or hot hair curlers.

Avoid vigorous combing and toweling wet hair.

Do not use chlorinated water for bath.

Avoid smoking. It will reduce blood supply to scalp and hair follicles.

Natural Ways to Prevent and treat hair loss

Coconut oil

Gently massage scalp with coconut oil or coconut milk and wash it after 1 hour. Coconut oil is a good conditioner.

You can also massage with olive oil, almond oil or mustard oil. Heat the oil a little and give a gentle massage to the scalp to improve circulation. A mixture of lemon juice and coconut oil can be used.

Oregano oil

oregano oil helps to treat dandruff. It stops hair fall and promotes hair growth. It acts as an antifungal and antibiotic.

Aloe vera gel

Massage scalp with aloe vera gel and wash it off after 45 minutes.

Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are rich in vitamins, anti-oxidants, proteins and minerals which prevent hair loss. Amino acids present in curry leaves strengthen hair follicles and promote hair growth. Curry leaves help to retain the luster and color of the hair.


Rubbing cut end of onion or massaging scalp with onion juice improves the blood circulation to hair follicles and scalp and promote hair growth. Onion acts as a good anti bacterial. An enzyme called catalase, present in onion prevent pre mature graying of hair. Sulfur and poly phenols present kills lice and prevents dandruff.


Garlic destroys harmful bacteria and stimulates hair growth.

Indian goose berry (Amla)

Amla contains anti-oxidants, Vitamins, minerals and amino acids which strengthen hair follicles. It acts as a good conditioner and effective to treat dandruff. It stimulates hair growth and prevents premature graying of hair.


Hibiscus flowers and leaves are rich in vitamins and amino acids. They stimulate hair growth, prevent dryness, breakage of hair and prevent premature graying. They add volume to hair and give color and luster to hair.

Best homemade hair oil to prevent hair fall and improve hair growth

Boil Amla (Indian goose berry) pieces, curry leaves and few hibiscus flowers and leaves in 100ml of organic coconut oil.

Filter it and store it. Gently massage it into scalp, cover scalp with a shower cap. Leave it overnight and wash it off with luke warm water.

Fenugreek seed paste, yogurt, and apple cider vinegar can be used as mask. They can be used individually or together to stop hair fall.

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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Bites Holistic Doctor Online

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are parasitic insects living around human and feed on human blood. They are classified under the group Arthropoda and Insecta (insect family).

Bed Bug is an insect which lives with human and feeds on human blood. As they are usually found in and around our bed they are called bed bugs.

bed bug

Bed bugs were almost eradicated from most of the countries, but there is a sudden increase in bed bug infestation in many countries in the last few years. It may be due to increase in the number of travelers like tourists, migrant laborers, refugees etc.

How to identify Bed bug?

Bed bugs are small insects, oval in shape, reddish brown in color with flat bodies. They have vestigial wings and cannot fly.

Adult bed bugs are around 4 to 5 mm in size. They have segmented abdomen. Their flat body swells up after each feed. Their flat body allows them to hide into tiny spaces.

Feeding Habits of bed bug

Bed bugs feed on human blood only. Usually, they feed at night while people sleep. They feed for about 3 to 10 minutes and return to the cracks or crevices where they hide to digest the feed.

They rarely feed on day time. Bed bugs usually bite the exposed areas not covered by the bed sheet or dress.

Bed bug bites are seen almost in straight line.

Bed bugs feed by piercing the skin and sucking out blood with its long beak.

Signs of bed bug infestation?

The first sign of bed bug infestation is seen on our skin as red itchy patch or welt.

bed bug bites

Blood stains are seen on mattresses, pillow cases, bed sheets or on the dress by accidental crushing of the fully fed bugs.

Small dark dots are seen on the bed, furniture, on wall cracks etc which are the excretion of the bed bugs.

Eggs or egg shells which are around 1 mm in size and white in color are seen.

Live bed bugs may be visible. Molted and discarded bed bugs skin can be seen.

There will be a musty odor around caused by the bed bugs’ scent glands.

How bed bugs spread?

Bed bugs move from one place to another with people, hiding in clothes, furniture, bags and other materials.

bed bug bite mattress

Bed bugs are found in places where people gather or stay like apartments, houses, hotels, motels, theaters, hostels and transport vehicles. They are found even in ultra clean houses and star hotels.

Signs and symptoms of bed bug bite

Bed bug bites usually look like other insect bites.

The bed bug bites are mostly seen in exposed areas of the body like hands, legs, shoulder, neck and face.

Some people may not have any symptoms. Some may have small, red and itchy patches, which are raised or flat. They are due to the allergic reaction to chemicals present in the saliva of the bugs.  The bites may be seen in straight line. Normally it won’t get infected unless scratched.

Bed bugs generally don’t transmit any disease.

Treatment for bed bug bites

  • Wash the bed bug bitten area with mild soap and water. Calamine lotion can be applied.
  • If itching is severe, mild steroid ointment (Hydrocortisone or Betamethasone) can be applied.
  • If the allergic reaction is severe with other symptoms like breathlessness consult your doctor.
  • If there is an infection, local antibiotic ointments can be applied.

Natural treatment for bed bug bites

  • After washing with mild organic soap and water ice pack can be applied.
  • Cut ends of onion or Garlic can be applied.
  • If itching is severe, wet tobacco in water and apply over the bites.
  • Apple cider vinegar which is a good anti-inflammatory and anti-itching agent can be applied.
  • Banana peel can be rubbed on bites.
  • Lemon juice or cinnamon with honey can be applied.
  • A thick paste of baking soda with water can be applied.

The natural treatment given above will reduce swelling and itching.

How to prevent bed bug bites

Cover yourself fully from neck to toe with a cloth as bed bugs feed only on the exposed area.

Stitch protective covers for pillows and mattresses without any hiding places for the bed bugs. This prevents the bed bugs staying and coming out of the mattress or pillows to feed.

Cover all cracks and joints in the furniture and bed with paint or wax so that bed bugs cannot hide.

Move the bed away from the wall.

Fix insect interceptors with pesticide or water under the feet of the bed to prevent bed bugs climbing the bed from the floor.

Organic soap, rubbing alcohol, essential oils or other repellents can be applied to the exposed parts of the body before going to bed.

Sticky bed bug traps can be kept around the infested area.

How to prevent bed bug infestation

As soon as you reach home from bed bug infested area, check your clothes and bags for bed bugs.

If you happened to stay in infested place keep the bags and beddings away from the bed room. Wash clothes and bed sheets in hot water and dry them in hot sun light. Bed bugs die at a temperature above 45-degree C. If bags are infested pour boiling water over it to dis-infest and dry it in hot sun light.

While buying furniture, check for bed bugs.

Close all cracks and crevices in wall and furniture to eliminate bed bugs hiding places.

How to eliminate bed bugs

If your house is infested with bed bugs clean the house, scrub all mattresses, pillows, cots, furniture and other areas where bed bugs hide, with a hard brush to remove eggs, dead bugs and fecal spots and vacuum clean the area with a powerful vacuum cleaner. Discard the vacuum bag in sealed plastic bags.

Vacuum clean the carpets and under the carpet also.

vacuum cleaner to eliminate bed bug


Wash all clothes and bed sheets in hot water mixed with an essential oil like lavender oil or tea tree oil and hot dry it.

Blow steam with a powerful steamer on all nick and corners and cracks where bed bugs hide.

Blow hot air using a hair dryer in the places where the bed bugs hide.

Seal all cracks in the wall, electrical outlets, joints in cots and furniture.

Spray essential oil like eucalyptus oil, lavender oil or tea tree oil on the bed and other areas where the bed bugs hide.

Sprinkle food grade Diatomaceous earth in bed, around the bed and in and around the hiding places of bed bugs. When the bed bugs come in to contact with the diatomaceous earth, it will dehydrate the bed bugs and kill them.

Spraying chemical pesticides may help, but the chemicals must come into contact with the live bed bugs.

Foggers can be used with caution (it can explode). Close the windows, activate the canister and leave the room and keep it closed for 24 hours.

You can give the job to professional pest control agencies.

Preventing bed bug infestation is better and easier than eliminating the bed bugs.

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Top Foods that shapes you fast and helps to lose weight naturally

How to reduce weight naturally

How to lose weight naturally

Obesity (gaining more weight than necessary) is one of the fast growing problems of the universe.

The causes and the ways it affects our health (complications) are discussed in our article obesity.

Taking medicines or food supplements to reduce weight for a long time may produce side effects.

After stopping the drugs there will be rebound increase in weight.

So it is better to lose weight naturally.

Here we will discuss the best methods to lose weight naturally.

Aims for Obesity treatment                                 

Our aim of weight reduction program is to reach and maintain a healthy body weight throughout life.

Normal weight reduction programs

Normal weight loss programs involve changes in diet, increased physical activities, psychological counseling, medications and surgery.

Best ways to lose weight (Holistic approach)

People, who eat the same food and do the same exercise together to reduce weight, may have different effect because the cause of obesity, the mind set and the basal metabolic rate (BMR) varies from person to person.

So weight loss program is not just strict diet and exercise alone but a HOLISTIC approach that involves both mind and body.

Foods to avoid to reduce body weight

To reduce weight, avoid sugar, carbohydrates, fats, processed food, junk food, sweetened beverages, deep fried food, cakes and ice creams.

How to lose weight Naturally

Foods that reduce appetite: (Food that reduces carving)

Dark Chocolate: A chemical present in dark chocolate called stearic acid reduces appetite and the bitter taste signals the brain and reduces appetite.

Drinking water before meals reduces appetite.

Apples and pear contain pectin and fiber which reduce carving. Flax seeds, almonds and funnel seeds reduce appetite.

So take them daily to reduce weight.

Food that produces fullness of stomach

Green leafy vegetables, sweet potato, watermelon, cucumber and grapefruit produce fullness in stomach.

Green leafy vegetables like Brussels, cabbage, broccoli, kale, spinach, etc contain lot of fiber which is hard to digest.

Eggs and lean meat produce fullness.

These foods reduce the quantity of food taken there by reducing weight.

Apple and pear contain lots of fiber and pectin which produce fullness and reduce appetite.

Food and spices that burn and spend more calories (Fat Burners)

Green tea, Pepper, Ginger, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Cumin seeds and coffee burn more calories.

pineapple to reduce weightPineapple has a chemical called bromelain which burns lots of energy.

Coconut increases body heat (Thermogenic) and it burns more calories. So replace your cooking oil with coconut oil.

Eating curry leaves (around 10 leaves per day) helps to burn more fat.

Onion and garlic help to burn more calories. Chili pepper has capsaicin which increases the metabolic rate.

Apple cider vinegar is a good metabolic booster. Mix it with lemon juice, little pepper, little cinnamon and honey and drink it to lose weight.

Best Recipe for weight reduction

Take hot spicy vegetable or chicken soup with lot of hot pepper, onion, garlic, cinnamon, ginger and coconut oil.

Drinking hot spicy soup daily will reduce weight.

green tea to reduce weightTake green tea with cinnamon, ginger, and lemon juice. Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate which is a good fat burner.

Instead of plain water, boil cumin seeds in water and drink it often to lose weight.

Take black coffee with ginger, cinnamon and honey instead of soft drinks or energy drinks with lots of calories.

100 ml of coffee burns around 80 calories. So drink coffee to lose weight.

Add hot spicy curry to your meal to reduce weight. Curry contains many different spices (turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, garlic hot pepper onion etc).  Hot Spicy curry is a good metabolic booster.

Lifestyle changes to reduce weight

  • Avoid eating while watching TV.
  • Do not sit in front of computer and TV for long.
  • Avoid watching advertisements that urge you to take unhealthy foods.
  • Avoid elevators and lifts but use stairs.
  • Do not use motor vehicles for short distances.

cycling to reduce weight

  • Go cycling or walking.

Psychological aspect of weight reduction

Psychological conditions like depression, anxiety, loneliness, and mental stress, produces emotional eating (eating to soothe the emotions).

Mental trauma and stress produce high levels of cortisol in the body. This leads to weight gain.

Putting on more weight itself can cause more anxiety and stress leading to more weight gain.

Being self-confident, having a positive mental attitude, having some hobbies, joining sports, diverting the mind to exercise programs like Tai chi, Yoga, swimming etc… can relieve the problems.

exercise to reduce weight

Exercise relieves stress and helps to reduce weight.

If the person is obese or overweight there is a reason for it. Do not force the body to reduce weight suddenly.

Sudden massive weight loss may produce weakness and reduce the immunity and make the person susceptible for illness.

Sudden loss of weight will slow down metabolism which may lead to weight gain.

So gradual weight reduction is advocated.

Have realistic goals (gradual weight loss). This will prevent loss of confidence and depression.

Visualization and positive thinking

Visualize yourself as thin. Keep an older photo of yourself when you were thin and visualize it often.

Cheat your brain to lose weight

Use small plates for eating so that it will look full and give mental satisfaction. Eat slowly, chew every bit and enjoy the meal. The brain takes time to register fullness.

Keep healthy food like fruits and vegetable on the table on plain sight.

Keep the Junk food and other unhealthy food away from sight to avoid temptation.

Increase the distance between you and unhealthy food.

Do not skip meals to lose weight

Do not skip meals, especially breakfast.

Taking breakfast boost the metabolism in the morning. Avoiding meal will slow down metabolism which is the opposite of what is wanted (weight gain instead of weight loss).

If you skip meals the brain will imagine coming famine and goes for storage mode and weight gain.

So eat 4 or 5 small and healthy meals per day to lose weight.

Reduce eating out with friends and family to lose weight.

Going out to eat with friends and family often, make you eat more unhealthy food. Eat more homemade and natural food.

Be careful of what you eat.

Eat when you are really hungry. Drink Water in between bites.

Reduce room temperature to lose weight

Reducing room temperature to around 18-20 degrees or taking cold showers will increase brown fat in the body, which in turn spend more calories.

Treat associated diseases

Patients with obesity having hypothyroid, diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease must consult their physician and treat the conditions.

Best method to reduce weight naturally and maintain it

In The morning take black coffee with spices and honey.

Yoga to reduce weight

Do yoga or exercises.

Have small breakfast.

Hot spicy soup before lunch with lot of pepper vegetables and spices.

Have small lunch with egg or lean meat or fish and vegetables.

Take green tea with lemon, cinnamon, ginger and honey.

Have hot spicy soup before dinner, followed by small dinner.

Drink lot of water in between.

If you follow this with regular exercise you will bind to reduce weight and maintain it throughout life.   

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Inhalation Therapy For Bronchial Asthma

Why Inhalation therapy is Advised for asthma-Holistic doctor online

Inhalation Therapy For Bronchial Asthma

What is Inhalation therapy ( Aerosol Therapy)?

Inhalation Therapy is a method to administer(deliver) drugs directly into the airway in patients with chronic( long-lasting) diseases of respiratory system like Asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and Bronchiectasis.

In Inhalation Therapy (Aerosol Therapy), the medicine is made to float as mist in air(Aerosol) to be inhaled (breathed in) by the patient and deposited directly in the airway and lungs.

Why is Inhalation therapy Advised? ( Advantages of inhalation therapy).

In Inhalation Therapy the medicine reaches the airway directly, so the action is faster.

As the medicine is given directly to the airways, a small dose of the medicine is enough. So lesser side effects.

No gastritis as in oral medications and it is painless.

What are the drugs given through inhalers?

Inhalers come with Bronchodilators (Relievers) or Steroids (preventer/controllers) alone or in the combination of both.

Bronchodilators are used when the patient is breathless to relieve broncho constriction.

The combination of reliever and controller are used for prevention of bronchial asthma.

What are the common types of Inhalation Therapy (Aerosol Therapy)?

Dry powder inhaler (DPI), Metered Dose inhaler (MDI) and Nebuliser(Nebulizer) are the types of devices used normally.

What is Dry Powder Inhaler?

In Dry powder inhaler, the drug is in the form of dry powder in the device and can be breathed (inhaled) in through the mouth.

It is activated by our breath.

Single dose and multi-dose devices are available.

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How to use Dry Powder Inhaler?


Take the device and insert the capsule ( containing the medicine) in allotted slot for the capsule.

Rotate the base of the device to separate the two halves of the capsule to release the medicine inside the device.

Breath out away from the device.

Keep the mouthpiece in the mouth and inhale the powder (medicine).


Hold the breath for as long as possible. Remove the inhaler and breath out.

Repeat the Process till the device is empty. Gargle the mouth and throat with water after use.

Advantages of dry powered inhaler

Easy to carry and easy to use. Hand-mouth coordination is not necessary.

Disadvantages of Dry powder inhaler

Cannot use when the patient is severely breathless.The powder can get deposited in the mouth and produce oral candidiasis (ulcers in the mouth).

Gargle the mouth and throat after inhaler use to prevent this.

What is metered Dose Inhaler?

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In Metered Dose inhaler the medicine is kept in a metal container under pressure.

The container is fixed in a plastic enclosure with a mouthpiece.

When the container is pressed down, a measured (prefixed) dose of medicine is released to be inhaled.

How to use Metered Dose inhaler?

Hold the device in between thumb and index finger.Shake the inhaler well. Breath out and keep the mouthpiece of the inhaler in the mouth.Take a deep breath and press down the container to release a dose at the beginning of the breath.

Inhale fully and hold the breath as long as possible. Remove the inhaler and breath out. Repeat if necessary.

Gargle mouth and throat after use.

Advantages of Metered Dose Inhaler

Easy to carry and easy to use.

Faster in action.

Disadvantages of Metered Dose Inhaler

Hand-mouth co-ordination (Press and start inhaling) is necessary.

Deposits of the drug in the mouth leading to ulcers in the mouth.

Cannot change the dose and composition of the drugs.

What is Spacer (Holding chamber)?

Spacer is a holding chamber used along with Metered Dose Inhaler.

In one end of the spacer is a mouth piece and the other end has a slot to fix the inhaler.

Fix the inhaler in the spacer, shake well, release the medicine and inhale. This prevents deposits in the mouth and prevents wastage of the drug.

What is nebulizer?

In nebulizer compressed air, oxygen or ultrasound is used to float (suspend) the particles of the medicine in air to be inhaled through a mouthpiece or oxygen mask.

Advantages of Nebulizer

No effort from patient necessary. Can be used in children, unconscious patients and patients on mechanical ventilator.

Deposition of the drug in the mouth is prevented.

Hand-mouth coordination is not necessary. The composition and amount of medicine can be altered according to the need.

Disadvantages of Nebulizer

Source of Power is  necessary (battery or electricity).

Difficult to carry.

Myths (belief) about inhalers

There is a belief that inhalers are addictive (Habit forming) and it is costlier to use. But it is not correct.

Inhalers are not habit forming but inhalers are to be used regularly to prevent the asthma attack.

If the patient uses inhalers regularly, it is cheaper than oral drugs or injections. The side effects are also less.

So it is better to use inhalers to prevent and treat Bronchial Asthma.

It is best for the patient to consult a Respiratory Therapist, and learn the correct methods to use inhalers and nebulizer.


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Causes, symptoms and treatment of Asthma

Bronchial Asthma

Causes, symptoms and treatment of ASTHMA

What is Bronchial Asthma?

Bronchial Asthma (Asthma) is a chronic (long-lasting) disease of the airway (Bronchus).

In bronchial asthma, the airway is hypersensitive (very sensitive) to allergens (Triggers producing allergy) and becomes narrow, thereby producing difficulty in breathing, cough and wheeze.

What causes Bronchial Asthma?

Bronchial Asthma can be due to Hereditary (Familial), Allergic or Seasonal.

The Triggers are the allergy to food, dust, smoke, pollen, cotton dust, perfumes, sprays, paint smell, pet’s hair, firecrackers, cooking smell, air pollution, etc…

Bronchial Asthma can also be triggered by infections like cold and flu, exercise, cold air, extreme changes in climates, emotional stress, anxiety, drugs like pain killers (NSAID) and beta blockers.

The acidity of the stomach (gastritis-acid reflux) can also trigger Asthma.

What happens to the airway in Bronchial Asthma?

Normal Airway                                    Bronchial Asthma

When the patient’s airway is exposed to triggers producing bronchial asthma, the following changes happen.

The airway becomes narrow due to bronchoconstriction (muscles of airway becomes tight).

The cells of the mucous membrane of the airway swell up. (Inflammation) and there is increased secretion of mucous inside the airway.

So the airway becomes very narrow and air passes through with difficulty. As the air passes through the narrow gap it produces a whistling sound called wheeze.

What are the Signs and symptoms of Bronchial asthma?

The Bronchial Asthma patient may have cough with or without wheeze, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, tightness of chest and may have chest pain.

What are the investigations for bronchial asthma?

The main investigation is Pulmonary Function Test. Spirometry is the PFT done. If the forced expiratory volume in 1 second is less than 80% of the normal value it shows airway obstruction.

The test is repeated after giving inhaled bronchodilators (medicine to widen airways) and if there is an improvement for more than 12% (reversibility) it is bronchial asthma.

Other tests done are X-ray chest, Arterial blood gas analysis (ABG), Blood oxygen saturation, Sputum examination and culture, White blood eosinophil count, Blood immunoglobulin E level etc…

What is the treatment for Bronchial Asthma?

For acute and severe asthma ( acute Exacerbation) hospitalization with oxygen support is necessary.

For milder form Bronchodilators ( Relievers) like salbutamol, theophylline, terbutaline or doxophylline can be given. These drugs widen the narrow airways.

Steroids( Preventers) like fluticasone or budesonide can be given to reduce swelling and mucous secretions. Other drugs like anticholinergics, montelukast, cromoglicate and anti-allergy medications can be given.

Inhalation Therapy is the best form of drug administration in bronchial asthma. Normally one Reliever and one preventer are given as inhalers for the regular treatment of Asthma.

How to prevent Bronchial Asthma?

Avoid triggers producing asthma, and regular breathing exercises can prevent Bronchial Asthma.

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How to Control Obesity

control obesity

How to Control Obesity

Humanity is facing a fast growing serious health problem called Obesity

Around 35%  people around the world are suffering from obesity.

What is Obesity?

If a person’s body weight is more than what is considered healthy for his height, then he/she is said to be obese.

In other words, when a person accumulates fat in his body to such an extent it produces ill health, it is called obesity.

Reasons to reduce body weight

Over weight and obese people frequently develop stroke and heart diseases. Excess body weight gives more strain to the heart. So obese people must reduce their weight to prevent heart diseases.

Obese people have more systemic diseases like diabetes and hypertension. Weight reduction improves the person’s mobility by reducing joint pain and back pain.

Weight reduction increases the quality of sleep, reduces depression and improves self confidence.

So reduce weight and become fit, confident and attractive.

How is obesity measured?

Obesity is measured using the unit called Body Mass Index ( BMI ).

It is calculated by dividing that person’s body weight (in kilograms) by square of his/her height ( in meters)

Example: Person’s weight: 80 kilograms.

Person’s height: 1.60 meters.

BMI : 80/1.60X1.60 =  31.25

Result: Obesity.

Obesity Table

  • BMI below 18.5 – Underweight.
  • BMI   18.5- 24.9 – Normal
  • BMI      25- 29.9 – Over Weight
  • BMI     above 30 – Obesity
  • BMI     above  40 – extreme obesity.

What causes Obesity?

The main cause of obesity is the energy imbalance.

The amount of energy taken (as food and drinks ) should be equal to the amount of energy spent for the normal functions of the body.

If the amount of energy taken in is more than necessary, it produces obesity.

Diet: Energy imbalance is due to consuming large quantities of high-calorie diet, junk foods, deep fried foods, aerated sweet drinks, ice creams etc.

Reduced Physical activities: Previously we used to walk to our workplace or for shopping. Now we use vehicles and buy things online.

We used to climb stairs, now we use lifts or escalators.

Previously children used to play outside. But now they play games on smartphones or computers. They also watch television for hours together munching some fried food like chips. This reduced activity produces obesity.

Other causes of obesity

Diseases like Hypothyroid, polycystic ovaries, and Cushing’s disease can produce obesity.

Not having enough sleep at night also produce obesity.

Mental Stress and psychological problems like depression can also produce obesity.

Obesity can be caused by drugs like steroids, antiepileptics, antidepressants and antipsychotics.

What are the complications of obesity? 

Many people take obesity as a cosmetic problem. But it can produce severe health problems.

Most people with obesity develop type 2 diabetes. It can also produce heart attack, high blood pressure, gall bladder stones, chronic kidney disease and cancer.

Obesity is one of the main causes of knee pain (osteoarthritis).

Obesity produces breathlessness while walking. It is the cause of sleep disorders like snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea, which produces daytime drowsiness.

What are the treatments for obesity? (How to lose weight?) 


Reduce empty calories like sweetened aerated drinks. Reduce deep fried foods, junk foods, high carbohydrate diet and ice screams.

Take more organic fruits and vegetables. Change cooking oil to coconut oil or olive oil.

Increase physical activities

Increase physical activities like walking and daily exercise. Reduce mental stress.

Treat diseases like mental depression, anxiety, hypothyroidism and type 2 diabetes.

Medical treatment

Medicines may not give the same results to all the obese patients. Anti-obesity drugs like Phentermine  (Qsymia), Orlistat (Xenical), Bupropion (Contrave) and meta-amphetamine can be taken under physician’s care.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is necessary if the patient is having severe obesity ( BMI 35 and above).

Surgery is called Bariatric surgery.

Sleeve gastrectomy: Here part of the stomach is removed to reduce the capacity.

Adjustable gastric band: A band placed around the upper part of the stomach to reduce the capacity.

Gastric bypass: The upper portion of the stomach is separated and connected to the small intestine.

These surgeries are invasive and have complications.

So it is better to prevent obesity or treat it naturally.

Click here to know, how to reduce weight naturally


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Diabetes During Pregnancy

Diabetes During Pregnancy

Diabetes During Pregnancy

What is Gestational Diabetes?

When a non-diabetic woman develops diabetes (high blood sugar) when she is pregnant, it is called Gestational Diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes develops during the last 3 months of pregnancy and resolves after delivery.

Gestational Diabetes is found in 5 to 15% of pregnant women.

What is the cause of Gestational Diabetes?

Placenta helps the baby to grow in the uterus.

Hormones produced by the placenta to help the development of the baby affects the function of mother’s insulin. This produces gestational diabetes.

It is more common in pregnant women with obesity, polycystic ovaries, type 2 diabetes in their families and in pregnant women above 35 years.

What are the symptoms of Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational Diabetic patients may not show many symptoms. Diagnosis is normally made when routine blood tests are done.

What are the types of Gestational diabetes?

Type 1 GDM:  High blood sugar level in oral glucose tolerance test with normal fasting & postprandial (pp) blood sugar values.

Type 2 GDM: High blood sugar in oral glucose tolerance test and high fasting& postprandial (pp) blood sugar levels.

What are the possible complications?

Gestational diabetes can produce intrauterine death of the baby, stillbirth, congenital abnormalities, and big Babies. Babies can become diabetic later. In mothers, it can produce pre-eclampsia (Condition with high blood pressure with albumin in the urine), uterine atony, prolonged labour and infection.

GDM patients can become type 2 diabetics latter.

What are the investigations to be done?

Oral glucose tolerance test, HbA1c, Urine examination and Ultrasound abdomen.

What are the treatments for Gestational diabetics?

For type 1 GDM: Diet control and mild exercise is enough. Reduce carbohydrates in the diet and take more proteins and lot of vegetables.

For type 2 GDM: Insulin is the treatment of choice. Anti-diabetic tablets are not approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


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How To Prevent Kidney Disease Naturally

                                             Prevent Kidney Disease Naturally Prevent Kidney Disease Naturally

Kidneys are very important to our body to extract and excrete waste from blood as urine. They also regulate pH of blood, fluid volume, electrolytes in blood and maintain blood pressure. Kidney disease is the 9th leading cause of death in the world. So here we will discuss the methods to prevent kidney diseases.

Drink lot of water

Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. This will help to flush out waste from the blood and prevent kidney disease.

Avoid pain killers

To prevent kidney disease, avoid taking painkillers. If unavoidable, take painkillers on physician’s advice and for a short period only.

Blood sugar, Pressure and cholesterol

Keep your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol under control to prevent kidney disease.


Keep your body weight under control to prevent kidney disease. Obesity may produce diabetes and high blood pressure which can produce kidney disease. Obesity also increases the metabolic load to kidneys.

Avoid smoking

Smoking can affect the blood supply to the kidneys. The toxins absorbed while smoking can damage the kidneys. So avoid smoking to prevent kidney disease.

Urge to urinate

Do not Control the urge to urinate for too long. This will stretch the bladder muscles and damage the elasticity of the bladder. Stagnation of urine increases urinary infection. The back pressure can damage the kidneys. Relieve bladder often to prevent kidney disease.

Reduce Salt

Avoid taking extra salt in food. Reduce pickles, salty snacks, junk food, aerated drinks, processed food and avoid food with pesticides to prevent kidney disease.


Reduce mental stress and do regular exercises like yoga and tai chi to prevent kidney disease.

Vegetables and fruits

Take plenty of multi-coloured fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Take more kidney friendly foods like asparagus, berries, watermelons, cabbage, cauliflower, pepper, onions and garlic to prevent kidney disease.

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How To Get Rid Of Dandruff Naturally

How to get rid of dandruff

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff Naturally

Every day our body replaces old cells with new cells. This is seen in scalp also and cells are shed in flakes regularly. But when the cells are shed at a faster rate, it becomes a cosmetic problem and flakes are seen on hair, dress on shoulder and back like snowflakes. Here we will discuss about the causes and how to get rid of dandruff.

Causes of Dandruff

Dry Skin or oily skin, insufficient shampooing or over shampooing can produce dandruff. Chemical present in hair tonics, shampoos, conditioners, hair oils and hair dyes can produce allergy or hypersensitivity and increase dandruff. Cold climate can also produce dry skin and dandruff. Normally there are bacteria (staphylococcus), fungus (malassezia) and yeast present on the scalp. When the immunity of the person goes down (stress, using steroids etc…), they over grow and produce dandruff. Other conditions like eczema, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis can also produce flaking.



The best way to get rid of dandruff is to apply fenugreek paste to scalp.

Soak 3 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in one cup of water overnight, grind it in the morning, apply the paste over the scalp, massage the scalp and wash it off after 30 minutes. It is a good hair tonic and keeps the hair silky and smooth. Use this twice a week for better results.

Neem leaves

Neem leaf is a very good natural remedy to get rid of dandruff. Grind neem leaves with little water to make a paste. Massage the neem paste over scalp and wash it off after 15 minutes. Neem leaf acts as excellent antibacterial and antiviral agent.

You can boil neem leaves in water and after it cools down, apply over scalp and wash it off after 15 minutes.

Curry leaves

Applying curry leaf paste over scalp is an excellent home remedy to get rid of dandruff. Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Grind curry leaf with little water. Apply the paste over scalp. Wash it after 30 minutes. It is good to prevent premature graying. Apply curry leaves to the hair to produce black, silky hair. It is a good hair tonic helps in hair growth.

You can boil curry leaves in coconut oil, cool it, apply over scalp, keep it overnight and wash it with cold or lukewarm water in the morning. Continue this 2 or 3 times a week until the scalp is clear of dandruff.

Coconut oil

Applying coconut oil on scalp is another way to get rid of dandruff. Coconut oil acts as good anti bacterial and anti-fungal agent.

Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and heat it. When it is warm massage it over scalp, cover your hair with a shower cap, leave it overnight and wash it in the morning with cold water.

Tea Tree oil

Applying tea tree oil to scalp is another way to get rid of dandruff. You can mix it with olive oil or coconut oil and apply over scalp.

Aleo vera

Aleo vera gel gives cooling effect to scalp, reduce inflammation and itching. Applying aloe vera gel to scalp is another way to get rid of dandruff.

Baking soda

Baking soda is another agent to get rid of dandruff. It acts as good anti-fungal and antibiotic. It reduces sebum in the scalp and reduces inflammation and itching of scalp.

Make the scalp wet, massage baking soda over wet scalp and wash it after 10 minutes.


The acid in lemon modifies the pH of scalp. It acts as a good anti-fungal agent. Apply it over scalp 2 to 3 times a week, 10 minutes before bath to get rid of dandruff.

Olive oil

Olive oil application to scalp is another way to get rid of dandruff. Apply olive oil to scalp at night and wash it off in the morning.

Apple cider vinegar

Apply apple cider vinegar over scalp to get rid of dandruff. Apple cider is high in acetic acid. It alters the pH of scalp. Apple cider vinegar acts as good antibacterial.

Mix equal amount of apple cider vinegar and water, massage it over scalp and wash it after 15 minutes.

The result of treatment may vary from individual to individual. You can try it individually or in combination for better results.

How to prevent dandruff

Along with above methods to get rid of dandruff, well balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables will help to prevent dandruff. Use mild shampoo. Avoid hair tonic, hair oil and hair dye with lot of chemicals. Avoid taking bath with very hot water. Use cold or lukewarm water for bath. Avoid mental stress.

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ways to get rid of pimples

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally (Acne)

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally (Acne)

Pimple is a type of skin lesion which is common in teenage. It is a cosmetic problem for teenagers. It mainly affects the face and it can also affect the chest, back and shoulders.

Pimples develop when the oil glands (sebaceous glands) of face get blocked and infected leading to swelling and pus formation.  Pimple is also called acne. It is common during puberty due to hormonal changes.

To minimize scarring, do not pick or squeeze pimples.

Here are some easy faster ways get rid of pimples naturally (Acne).

LEMONLemon for Pimples

An easy and faster way to get rid of pimples naturally is to apply fresh lemon juice on the pimples. For Better results mix the cinnamon powder with lemon juice, apply over the affected area at night and wash it off in the morning with warm water.


Another faster way to get rid of pimples is to apply sea salt. Mix sea salt powder with drops of water or glycerin and apply it on the pimples affected area. Wash it after 30 minutes with warm water. Salt reduces swelling and kills bacteria.

GARLICGarlic for Pimples

Cut garlic and rub the cut ends over the pimples to get rid of pimples. Wash it after 20 minutes with warm water. Garlic kills bacteria and helps in healing.


aloe vera Holistic doctor online, Natural ways to get rid of pimples (Acne)

Another method to get rid of pimples is applying aloe vera gel. Cut aloe vera and apply the gel over the pimples and wash it after 30 minutes. Add few drops of lemon juice for better results.


Applying tea tree oil is another faster method to get rid of pimples (acne). Tea tree oil is a good antibacterial. People with sensitive skin can mix coconut oil with tea tree oil and apply over pimples and wash it after 30 minutes.


Turmeric is an ancient method to get rid of pimples. Mix turmeric powder with water and apply it over pimples affected area at night and wash it in the morning with warm water.


Steaming is another way to get rid of pimples. Steam kills bacteria, open the pores and get rid of oil and dirt. Take hot water in a basin, lean over the basin, and cover the head with a towel so that the steam from hot water comes in to contact with the pimples.


By applying apple cider vinegar also we can get rid of pimples (acne). Dilute apple cider vinegar and apply it over the pimples affected area and wash it after 15 minutes.


Rubbing baking soda is another way to get rid of pimples. It kills bacteria and removes the dead skin cells. Apply baking soda over acne affected area, rub it in a circular motion and wash it with warm water after 15 minutes.


Cinnamon and honey to get rid of pimples

To get rid of pimples Cinnamon and honey can be applied over the acne affected area and wash it off after 30 minutes.


egg white to get rid of pimples

Applying egg white is an easy way to get rid of pimples. Egg white reduces acne and fades the scars.

Separate the yolk from the egg white, whisk it and make it frothy. Cover the acne affected area with it and allow it to dry. Wash it off after 30 minutes.


papaya holistic doctor online, Natural ways to get rid of pimples (Acne)


Papaya mask helps to get rid of pimples. Mash papaya flesh, apply over the acne affected area, allow it to dry and wash it off after 30 minutes.


banana peel to get rid of pimples

Instead of wasting banana peel, rub it on the acne affected area in circular motion. Allow it to dry for 30 minutes and wash it off with warm water.

Diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables will prevent pimples. Avoid food with very high sugar and deep fried food. Wash your face often with warm water to get rid of pimples naturally.

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